
Experience unmatched weed control with Force Up Herbicide. This non-selective, systemic herbicide efficiently targets stubborn grasses and broad-leaved weeds, ensuring healthier crops and bountiful harvests. Trust Force Up’s potent formula to tackle even the toughest weed infestations on your fields, allowing your crops to thrive weed-free. Empower your agricultural endeavors with this trusted solution preferred by farmers across the globe.

  • 260g
  • 50g
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General information:

Force Up Herbicide is used to control the emerged weeds. Force Up inhibits 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP), an enzyme of the aromatic acid biosynthetic pathway. This prevents the synthesis of essential aromatic amino acids needed for protein biosynthesis. Force Up is absorbed by the green parts of the weeds and not by mature brown bark. Spray only on actively growing weeds. Apply after leaves expand fully. The weeds must be growing vigorously (not suffering from drought stress) and not wilted or covered by dust. Force Up® hasn’t any residual soil activity.

Principal uses:

Force Up is a non-selective systemic foliar-applied, total agricultural herbicide with rapid translocation throughout the plant for the control of most stubborn annual and perennial grasses  (Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrica, Panicum maximum,   Paspalum spp., Pennisetum clandestinum, Phragmites spp., etc), annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds (Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara,… etc) and sedges (Cyperus spp.) in arable and plantation crops, under pre-plant, post-emergence directed conditions, reduced or zero tillage systems.

Directions of use:

Calibrate the sprayer before use. Shake the container before use. Half-fill the sprayer with clean water and add the recommended quantity of Force Up®. Agitate during the completion of filling then destroy the container.

Targeted Weeds Rate / ha Dosage/15 L Tecto* Sprayer
Annual and perennial grasses, broad-leaved weeds 1.5kg 50g
Biannual,  perennial grasses, broad-leaved weeds 2.5kg 100g

NB: Apply Force Up at 100-400 liters spray volume per ha according to weed density and height. Use clean, not muddy water.

Re-entry period: at least 3 days

Toxicity class: unlikely to present a hazard in normal use


Is compatible with 2,4D amine at the pre-planting stage.

Protective precautions:

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing, and breathing vapors. Wear protective clothing, gloves, and goggles. Do not drink, eat or smoke tobacco during application. Wash the used equipment and bathe after application.

First aid:

If on skin or clothing, take off contaminated clothes. Rinse skin with plenty of water. If inhaled, move the person to fresh air and if the person is not breathing, give artificial respiration. If swallowed, induce vomiting and drink enough water. Seek medical attention.

Handling and storage cautions:

Do not store near food, feed, or drinking water. Store in a dry, well- ventilated area below 30°C.

Disposal of the pesticides’ empty containers:

Wastes should be disposed off in a landfill approved for pesticide disposal or according to Federal, State, and local rules.

Legal responsibility:

The distributor guarantees the quality of Force Up®. However, since we do not have control over the mixing and usage of Force Up, no guarantee is given and no liability is accepted for any unsatisfactory effect, injury or damage arising from the use of Force Up

Formulated for agricultural uses only

Keep out of reach of children

Additional information

Weight N/A

260g, 50g

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