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AminoForce is a post-emergent herbicide to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals (maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, etc.) sugarcane, grassland, established turf, and orchards. Aminoforce controls woody stem weeds.

SKU: TFC501082 Categories: , Tags: ,

Principal uses:

AminoForce is a post-emergent herbicide to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals (maize, sorghum, rice, wheat, etc.) sugarcane, grassland, established turf, and orchards. Aminoforce controls woody stem weeds.

Directions of use:

Ensure that the sprayer is properly and correctly calibrated before use. Shake the container before use. Half-fill the sprayer with clean water and add the recommended quantity AminoForce”. Agitate during the completion of filling. If AminoForce remains in the container, replace the cap tightly after use.

Rate of use:

Targeted Crops Rate of use/ha Dosage/15L Tecto sprayer
Rice 1-3 L/ha 120 ml



Maize and Sorghum

Pre-emergence: 1-2.5L /ha 2-3 days after sowing. Do not disturb the soil surface for 3-4 weeks. Post-emergence: 2 L/ha when crop height is 2-4 inches. Thereafter only direct spray between the rows is recommended.  




120 ml



1-2 L/ha at 5 leaves stage. Spraying before or after the recommended stage

may result in crop damage.


80 – 100 ml

Sugarcane, oil palm, rubber orchards, turf 2 – 3 L/ha 120 ml

NB: The volume of clean water to cover one ha is 400 liters.

Aminoforce is phytotoxic to most broad-leaved crops, especially cotton, tomato, ornamentals, and some fruit trees.

Re-entry period: 48 hours

Pre-harvest interval: 50-60 days

Toxicity class: ll

Compatibility: AminoForce is not compatible with alkaline, oxidizers, and strong acids. It can be mixed with PropaForce to control both leaved weeds and grasses in rice, and with AtraForce to broaden the spectrum of activity in maize.

Protective precautions:

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, clothing, and breathing vapors. Wear clothing, gloves, and goggles. Do not drink, eat or smoke tobacco during application. Wash the used equipment and bathe after application.

First aid:

If contaminated with skin or clothing, take off contaminated clothes with plenty of water, If inhaled, move the person to fresh air. If eye contaminated, hold the eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 minutes. If the person is not breathing, give artificial respiration. If swallowed, induce vomiting and drink enough water. Seek medical attention.

Handling and storage cautions:

Do not store near food, feed, or drinking water. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area.

Disposal of the pesticides’ empty containers:

Wastes should be disposed-off in a landfill approved for pesticide disposal according to local rules.

Legal responsibility:

The distributor guarantees the quality of AminoForce® However since we do not have control over the mixing and usage of AminoForce, no guarantee and no liability is accepted for any unsatisfactory effect, injury, or damage arising from the use of it.

Additional information

Weight 1.200 kg

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