KC-VITE 200ml
Kc-Vite 200ml
Improves immunity, appetite, weight and egg production in broilers. Improves milk production in dairy cattle, reduces stress during transportation, improves nerve and liver functions, and improves skin and coat conditions.
₦3,500.00KC-VITE 200ml
₦3,500.00 -
Interseryl WS is a highly effective combination of broad-spectrum antibiotics and vitamins. The product stimulates egg production, increases growth, improves feed conversion, and is used as a vitamin supplement during periods of disease and stress. It is effective against gastrointestinal, respiratory, and urinary infections caused by colistin, oxytetracycline, erythromycin, and streptomycin sensitive micro-organisms, like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, E. coli, Haemophilus, Klebsiella, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. in calves, goats, sheep, poultry, and swine.
₦3,500.00INTERSERYL WSP 100g
₦3,500.00 -
ZYPRONOR belongs to the fluoroquinolone group. Its bactericidal action has a broad spectrum activity, high safety, and bactericidal activities against Mycoplasma, gram positive and gram-negative pathogen.
₦3,400.00ZYPRONOR 100ml
₦3,400.00 -
For the treatment and control of gastro-intestinal roundworms, lungworms, eye worms, warbles and ectoparasitic infestations like ticks, mites and lice in cattle, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goats, camels, pigs and dogs.
₦3,400.00ASHIVER 250ml
₦3,400.00 -
Dewforce Fungicide, containing Pyraclostrobin and Dimethomorph, offers systemic, protective, and curative action against fungal diseases like black pod disease, late blight, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. It penetrates leaves and stems, spreading effectively to provide comprehensive protection for a wide range of crops.
₦3,300.00 -
Vitaminolyte is your livestock’s secret weapon for thriving health and robust production. This water-soluble blend of essential vitamins and amino acids is a game-changer for poultry farming. It prevents deficiencies, supports health during stress, convalescence, and post-vaccination, and enhances overall productivity. Elevate your livestock care with Vitaminolyte and witness the difference it makes.
₦3,300.00 -
Experience unmatched weed control with Force Up Herbicide. This non-selective, systemic herbicide efficiently targets stubborn grasses and broad-leaved weeds, ensuring healthier crops and bountiful harvests. Trust Force Up’s potent formula to tackle even the toughest weed infestations on your fields, allowing your crops to thrive weed-free. Empower your agricultural endeavors with this trusted solution preferred by farmers across the globe.
₦800.00 – ₦3,300.00 -
DD FORCE 250ml
DD Force is strongly poisonous to agricultural pests with stomach, contact & respiratory action. It is a cholinesterase inhibitor. It gives rapid know down. DD Force organophosphate agricultural insecticide – acaricide widely used in developing countries. It has been used widely for the control of agricultural pests.
₦3,300.00DD FORCE 250ml
₦3,300.00 -
For treating shipping fever, pneumonia, foot rot, calf diphtheria, metritis in beef cattle and non-lactating dairy cattle. For treating mycoplasmal swine arthritis, pasteurella pneumonia, erysipelas, acute swine dysentery in swine.
₦3,300.00LIFETYLO 20% TARTRATE 100ml
₦3,300.00 -
OXY-200 L.A INJ. 100ml
An oxytetracycline injectable for the treatment and prevention of infections in cattle, goats, sheep, rabbits and poultry animals
₦3,300.00OXY-200 L.A INJ. 100ml
₦3,300.00 -
VITRANOR-EGGMAX Antibiotics+Multivitamin improves performance of growth and fertility, and in case of deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, when changing feeding habits, help animals in their recovery during convalescence.
₦3,300.00VITRANOR-EGGMAX 150g
₦3,300.00 -
Kepro Oxytetracycline 200 wsp is effective against Actinomyces, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia and is therefore recommended for treatment of Mortellaro, Moraxella bovis conjunctivitis in calves, Atrophic Rhinitis, and MMA syndrome in pigs, Pasteurella multocida and Mycoplasma infections in poultry. The antibiotic effect is bacteriostatic.
₦3,265.00KEPRO OXYTET 200 WSP 100gm
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