BioKleen: A powerful disinfectant for poultry health, effectively combating bacteria, viruses, and fungi. With proven efficacy and residual activity, BioKleen ensures lasting protection in poultry environments.
₦3,700.00 -
Ds-Ultra-Tm Plus 500ml
To improve growth and body weight , to improve egg production, to improve the quality of eggs especially misshaped eggs in peak laying period.
₦4,700.00DS-ULTRA-TM PLUS 500ml
₦4,700.00 -
Doxy-Col wsp is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as fowl cholera, infectious coryza, chronic respiratory disease (CRD) and non- specific enteritis and for infections caused by Gram-positive and Gram- negative bacteria such as E. Coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter.
₦7,700.00DOXYCOL WSP 100g
₦7,700.00 -
DOXY-GEN 20/20 WSP 100gm
Doxy-Gen 20/20 wsp is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by micro-organisms susceptible to gentamycin and/or doxycycline. The product is used especially with gastrointestinal infections in calves and poultry and infections of the respiratory tract in poultry, calves, and pigs.
₦12,800.00DOXY-GEN 20/20 WSP 100gm
₦12,800.00 -
DOXITYL-200 WS 100gm
Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections caused by tylosin and doxycycline sensitive micro-organisms, like Bordetella, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, E. coli, Haemophilus, Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Treponema spp., in calves, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.
₦4,300.00DOXITYL-200 WS 100gm
₦4,300.00 -
Dimoxan is used for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and urinary tract infections caused by amoxicillin and colistin-sensitive micro-organisms in calves, goats, poultry, sheep and swine.
₦2,300.00DIMOXAN WSP 100gm
₦2,300.00 -
DD Force is strongly poisonous to agricultural pests with stomach, contact & respiratory action. It is a cholinesterase inhibitor. It gives rapid know down. DD Force organophosphate agricultural insecticide – acaricide widely used in developing countries. It has been used widely for the control of agricultural pests.
₦3,300.00 – ₦13,750.00 -
Daksh is an organophosphate insecticide that protects plants from insects, worms and pests and helps to utilize the nutrients and energy present in the soil. It also acts as a fumigant with excellent penetration properties that destroy insects instantly and it is recommended for pests such as borers, leaf miners and leaf caterpillars which attack crops.
₦4,650.00DAKSH 1L
₦4,650.00 -
DI GROW (Green)
D.I grow is a fertilizer with complete nutrient boosting power for plants. It contains chelated micro-nutrients and balanced plant nutrients, increases plant yield and quality of fruits, and is environmental friendly.
₦5,000.00DI GROW (Green)
₦5,000.00 -
A synergistic combination of Sulphaquinoxaline and Diaveridine. Effective in the treatment and control of Coccidiosis in Poultry while conferring a degree of immunity on the treated flock.
₦2,800.00COXSTOP 100g
₦2,800.00 -
COLISTIN 4800 WSP 100g
Colistin 4800 wsp is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections in calves, lambs, kids, and poultry, caused by bacteria susceptible to colistin, particularly Colibacillosis and Salmonellosis.
₦4,500.00COLISTIN 4800 WSP 100g
₦4,500.00 -
Hotline: +234907 534 1647