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Gentacare 10% Injectable offers precision treatment for a range of infections in horses, cattle, dogs, cats, and poultry. From respiratory issues to urogenital challenges, Gentacare is a versatile solution. Specifically crafted for each species, Gentacare ensures the health and well-being of your valuable livestock and poultry.



Gentacare 10% Injectable: Empowering Livestock Health with Precision Treatment

Unlocking the Power of Gentamycin:

Gentacare 10% Injectable is a potent solution designed to combat infections caused by gentamycin-sensitive microorganisms in various animal species. From horses and cattle to dogs, cats, and poultry, Gentacare offers targeted relief against a spectrum of infections.

Comprehensive Treatment Across Species:

In horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, and cats, Gentacare addresses diverse infections, including septicemia, respiratory issues like bronchitis and pneumonia, gastrointestinal challenges such as colienteritis, and urogenital problems like nephritis. It’s a versatile solution for conditions like arthritis, polyarthritis, dermatitis in dogs, and mastitis in various animals.

Precision Treatment for Poultry:

Poultry faces specific health challenges, and Gentacare steps in as a safeguard. It prevents mortality in day-old birds, tackling septicemia, E. coli and Salmonella-related diseases, and addressing enteritis and arthritis. Gentacare ensures the well-being and productivity of your poultry flock.


Infections caused by microorganisms, susceptible to gentamycin occurring in urogenital, respiratory, skin, tissue, uterus, and gastrointestinal, infections.

Horse, Cattle Sheep Dog & Cat:

Septicalemia, respiratory infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, tonsilitis, tracheitis), gastrointestinal infections (colienteritis of calves, enteritis, gastritis, peritonitis), urinary tract infections (nephritis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, urocystitis), arthritis, polyarthritis, meningitis, mastitis, metritis, dermatitis of dogs.


Infections causing mortality amongst day-old birds, septicemia, disease caused by E.coli, pseudomonas aeruginose, Salmonella spp. and other gentamycin-sensitive organisms, enteritis and anthritis.


For intramuscular or intravenous administration:

Horse, Cattle, foals, calves, pigs, sheep, goats: 1ml per 25 kg body weight.

Piglets, dogs, cats: 0.5 ml per 5kg body weight.

These dosages are preferably to be given twice on the first day, and afterwards once daily.

For intra-uterine application for horses during oestrus:

Acute metritis: 5ml daily, during 3 – 5 days.

Chronic metritis:  20-25ml daily, during 3 – 5 days.

For intra-uterine: 2 ml once, diluted with 16 ml of an application for cows isotonic saline (0.9%) solution.


Meat: 7 days


Store in a dry, dark place below 30°C. Keep Medicine away from Children.



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Weight 0.235 kg

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