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CALCITOM Liquid Calcium Supplement ensures strong bones, quality eggshells, and overall health for growing chickens and laying birds, preventing calcium deficiency.


CALCITOM Liquid Calcium Supplement


CALCITOM Calcium Supplement is a premium liquid calcium supplement specially formulated for growing chickens and laying birds. This high-quality supplement is designed to meet the specific nutritional needs of birds, ensuring their overall health and well-being. CALCITOM provides essential calcium that supports the healthy development of bones, beaks, and feathers, crucial for birds’ optimal growth and productivity.


CALCITOM Calcium Supplement is particularly beneficial for birds that may suffer from calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency can lead to various health issues, such as weak bones, reduced eggshell quality, and poor overall health. By incorporating CALCITOM into their diet, bird owners can ensure their flocks receive the necessary calcium to thrive.

Key Features

  • Supports Bone Health: CALCITOM provides additional calcium, essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones in growing and mature birds.
  • Enhances Eggshell Quality: For laying birds, adequate calcium intake is crucial for producing strong, high-quality eggshells, reducing the risk of breakage and increasing overall egg production.
  • Promotes Feather and Beak Health: Calcium is vital for the healthy development of feathers and beaks, ensuring birds maintain their natural defenses and grooming habits.
  • Prevents Deficiency: Regular use of CALCITOM helps prevent calcium deficiency, which can cause severe health problems, including weak bones and poor egg production.
  • Easy to Administer: CALCITOM is a liquid supplement that can be easily mixed with water or feed, making it simple to incorporate into daily bird care routines.

Usage Instructions

Add CALCITOM to the birds’ drinking water according to the recommended dosage on the product label. Ensure birds have constant access to the supplemented water for best results.

CALCITOM is a liquid Calcium supplement specially formulated for growing chickens and laying birds. This premium quality supplement is designed to meet the nutritional needs of birds, ensuring their overall health and well-being.


  • Promotes optimum bone health
  • Enhances eggshell quality
  • Convenient and highly absorbable
  • Improves FCR
  • Improves growth rate
  • Improves hatchability
  • Prevent milk fever
  • Supports overall health


CALCITOM provides additional calcium to assist in the healthy development of bones, beaks and feathers. This supplement is particularly beneficial for birds that may have calcium deficiency, which can lead to weak bones, reduced eggshell quality or poor overall health.


For treatment: 1L product add 250L-400L Water;

For prevention: 1L product add 800L-1000L Water.


1000ml/ Bottle, 20 Bottles/Carton.


Store in a secure, cool, and dry place away from direct sunlight.

Additional information

Weight 1.200 kg

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