A-ZOLE 2.5% 500ml
AZOLE 2.5% is a dewormer with a broad spectrum anthelmintic used for the treatment of gastro-intestinal infestations due to roundworms, lungworms, tapeworms, amphistomes and liver flukes
₦1,550.00A-ZOLE 2.5% 500ml
₦1,550.00 -
ALBENOR 2.5% 100ml
Albenor 2.5% has broad-spectrum action against parasites. Albenor 2.5% not only is good effective both against adult and un-matured parasites and larvae but also has the effect of killing parasite eggs.
₦600.00ALBENOR 2.5% 100ml
₦600.00 -
AMOXINOR L.A Inj. 100ml
Amoxinor is a therapy for diseases caused by germs sensitive to amoxicillin in cattle, sheep, pigs, and dogs. These are, in particular, infections of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urogenital systems, secondary bacterial complications of viral diseases, generalized septicemia, infections of the skin and wounds, omphalophlebitis, arthritis, abscesses, phlegmona, panaricia, metritis, mastitis, MMA-syndrome, swine fever, and antibiotic protection for surgery. An examination concerning the sensitivity of the disease-causing agent to amoxicillin should be performed before the preparation is administered.
₦2,700.00AMOXINOR L.A Inj. 100ml
₦2,700.00 -
Amprolium is an antibiotic formula applied in drinking water of poultry, calves, lambs, young goats, cattle, and sheep and it is used as a preventive or therapeutic agent against Eimeria infections in poultry, especially E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, and E. praecox. It is effective against other protozoal infections like Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in turkeys and poultry; against coccidiosis in calves, sheep, and goats; against amebiasis in various species.
₦6,000.00AMPROLIUM 250 WSP 100gm
₦6,000.00 -
ANNYDEXA INJ. 0.2% 100ml
ANNYDEXA is used for metabolic disorder, non-infectious inflammatory processes, especially acute musculoskeletal inflammations, allergic conditions, stress, and shock conditions. As an aid in infectious diseases. Induction of pregnancy.
₦850.00ANNYDEXA INJ. 0.2% 100ml
₦850.00 -
It is used for the treatment of diseases caused by bacteria sensitive to Enrofloxacin and Amoxicillin. It can also be used to treat Salmonella, E.coli, C.R.D, C.CRD, Fowl Cholera and Secondary Bacterial Infections resulting after viral diseases.
₦2,000.00APAENMOX 100g
₦2,000.00 -
ASAMPRO 20% 100g
Asampro 20% is indicated for the treatment & control of caecal and intestinal coccidiosis in poultry caused by Eimeria tenella, E maxima, E brunetti, Emitis & E acervulina.
₦750.00ASAMPRO 20% 100g
₦750.00 -
Ashialben 2500 MX Bolus is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic that is effective in the elimination and control of the following internal, mature, and immature parasites in cattle and other large animals.
₦800.00 – ₦3,200.00 -
Ashiver Inj. is for the treatment and control of gastro-intestinal roundworms, lungworms, eye worms, warbles, and ectoparasitic infestations like ticks, mites, and lice in cattle, buffaloes, horses, sheep, goats, camels, pigs and dogs.
₦1,200.00ASHIVER INJ. 100ml
₦1,200.00 -
Biaminovit Forte is a balanced hydrosoluble and liposoluble vitamins and amino acids formulation suitable for all species of livestock. It is specially formulated for additional, short-term supplementation via drinking water in times of increased vitamin demand.
₦7,500.00 -
Biazuril Oral is for the treatment of coccidiosis of all stages of different Eimeria spp in chickens, turkeys, calves, sheep & goat
₦2,000.00BIAZURIL ORAL 100ml
Hotline: +234907 534 1647