DICALMAX is a nutritional remedy used for the prevention and treatment of Calcium and Phosphorus Deficiencies in poultry and livestock animals.
₦1,400.00DICALMAX 100g
₦1,400.00 -
OTC 200 SP 100g
OTC 200 SP is an Antibiotic that is highly recommended for prevention and treatment of gram positive and gram negative bacteria, rickettsia in poultry, cattle, fishes etc.
₦2,600.00OTC 200 SP 100g
₦2,600.00 -
Combivit MA is a premix for all animals for use via feed or drinking water and it improves rearing results, increases feed efficiency, egg quality and production, maintains good performance, stimulates growth, and it also elieve vitamin deficiencies often occuring in connection with bacterial diseases and stress situations etc
₦1,800.00COMBIVIT MA 100g
₦1,800.00 -
Nozomil is effective against Trypanosoma and Babesia infections, such as Trypanosoma brucei, T. vivax, T. congolense; and Babesia bovis, B. bigemina, B. motasi and B. ovis in cattle, sheep, goats, horses, camels, pigs, dogs and cats.
₦4,900.00NOZOMIL 23.6g
₦4,900.00 -
NUTRIMENT is indicated for the treatment and control of a large number of bacterial infections in poultry animals and pigs. It also stimulates egg production and enables young layers to achieve a higher production peak and to maintain higher production levels throughout the entire laying period
₦950.00NUT RIMENT 100g
₦950.00 -
TETRANOR 5% 100g
TETRANOR 5% WSP is for prevention, metaphylaxis, and treatment of infections caused by Oxytetracycline susceptible micro-organisms.
₦1,500.00TETRANOR 5% 100g
₦1,500.00 -
Introvit-C is a vitamin antioxidant which protect cells against damage caused by free radicals, complements vitamin C deficiency, and is also supportive during stress (e.g. vaccination, eat or cold stress)
₦1,550.00INTROVIT-C WS 100g
₦1,550.00 -
Koleri-Cure is used for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal and systematic bacterial infections like fowl cholera, pullorum, enteritis and infection of the upper respiratory tract and air sacs.
₦1,900.00KOLERI CURE EXTRA 100g
₦1,900.00 -
A combination of Vitamins, Electrolytes, and Amino-Acids for administration to poultry and other livestock to aid growth and performance. Ideal for use at times of stress and to combat dehydration. Also a valuable and effective aid in recovery from disease.
₦1,600.00LYTOVITA 150g
₦1,600.00 -
FLUMCOL 20% WSP 100g
Flumcol 20% wsp is indicated for the prevention and treatment of infections caused by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, such as fowl typhoid, Pullorum disease, infectious Coryza, infections caused by E. Coli, fowl cholera, and respiratory infections in poultry. Flumcol 20% wsp is also indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections in calves, lambs, kids, and pigs.
₦3,600.00FLUMCOL 20% WSP 100g
₦3,600.00 -
ASAMPRO 20% 100g
Asampro 20% is indicated for the treatment & control of caecal and intestinal coccidiosis in poultry caused by Eimeria tenella, E maxima, E brunetti, Emitis & E acervulina.
₦750.00ASAMPRO 20% 100g
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